How to arrive at Lu Bagnu by plane
The nearest airport is Alghero Fertilia. It is 60 km from here and it is served by several airlines:
Ryanair, Alitalia, EasyJet, Volotea, Blue Air,etc… both for domestic and international flights.
The airport of Olbia Costa Smeralda, is about 100 km from Castelsardo. The airline companies that travel here are: Air Italy, Easyjet, with domestic and international flights.
If you want to know about flights to Sardinia, and prices, you can use the site:
The airport of Olbia Costa Smeralda, is about 100 km from Castelsardo. The airline companies that travel here are: Air Italy, Easyjet, with domestic and international flights.
If you want to know about flights to Sardinia, and prices, you can use the site:
How to arrive at Lu Bagnu by ferry
The nearest ferry stations are:
We provide an exclusive promotional code (discount on Moby or Tirrenia tickets) to our guests, valid on the following website:
- Porto Torres at 25 km, with routes from Genoa,
- or Olbia or Golfo Aranci (at about 100 km) with routes from Rome Civitavecchia, Livorno, Piombino, Genoa.
We provide an exclusive promotional code (discount on Moby or Tirrenia tickets) to our guests, valid on the following website:
On this site you will find information about routes, prices and you can buy ferry tickets!